Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Too hot to handle

Here's a new piece. Originally solicited by a magazine devoted to contemporary Jewish thought and culture to create a work on Feminism and Jewish Identity, I went through my old digital pieces on Jewish cultural identity, and decided to rework an old piece. The old one was about being mistaken for a Palestinian spy at the Algiers airport. I eliminated the text, reworked the image to include an old ad and then added some new imagery in Painter and Photoshop. And the text is new as well. When I sent it in to the magazine editor, I never heard back. I wrote to her three times, and zilch was my response.

So, I am sharing it with you. It is inspired by the crisis in Gaza.


still sprouting said...

Well, I did finally hear back a week or two after that last post, and they seem interested in publishing the piece. We will see if it actually happens. I'll let you know.

still sprouting said...
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